All of the counselors here have to teach a cultural subject/topic/activity, so I chose Скрэбл по-русски (Russian SCRABBLE®); however, there are no boards here-- in either language. So earlier this week, I offered my intermediate class extra credit if they'd be willing to build me one. Well, I was amazed at the final product, which is shown below, and which looks pretty darned good for a home-made version! (I don't think you can see the details, but they made the requisite 125 tiles with the proper distribution of letters and point values, as well as labeled all the bonus squares-- at the time of the photo, there were still four triple-letter score squares missing-- on the board in clear, correct Russian). My students will be playing a game of SCRABBLE® to fulfill a practicum requirement of doing some activity entirely in the language-- no English allowed (but, dictionaries might be)!!
The other picture below was taken on the veranda of the ресторан (restaurant)-- a sing-a-along. Every evening we gather to learn and sing traditional Russian songs. The kids also learn traditional Russian dancing... This really is a relatively culturally rich environment.
So, that's all for right now...