This is not a great picture, but here I am under the Russian flag, which is raised every morning and lowered every evening... We had just finished a staff swimming test in the lake (to the left of the flag poles)-- staying afloat for 10 minutes.
This next picture is of me taken at International Day last Friday... The lack of detail on the front of my shirt doesn't do it justice. It really was hideous...
This one was taken on the Minnesota-North Dakota border, on a bridge over the Red River (of the North). The woman on the left is from Kyrgyzstan, the one on the right is from the Ukraine:

Another International Day photo... There were LOTS of bodies in that German village square!

And these last two are from our village; one of the veranda on the dining hall (our Russian Village restaurant or RESTORAN), the other of the little 8' x 8' room in the back of the cabin I and another counselor will be soon sharing with 10 high school-age boys...

I know these pictures aren't great, but this is my first opportunity to try out the available technology. More as time allows!