Thursday, July 14, 2005

I teach in Moldova...

Hello, again, from Лесное Озеро (Lesnoe Ozero)! Today is Day 4 and things seem to be running smoothly enough... I gained a group of 6 more students, in addition to my original 6, but only see each group twice a day (instead of one group 4 times each day); the added group is "advanced beginner" level. Needless to say, there's no shortage of work (I've also agreed to lend a grammar hand to a couple of the cooking staff on the side)...

Here are two more pictures:

The picture above is one of me and my intermediate students (l-r:Katarina, Maksim, Dima, Lyuda, Vera, Nadya-- all camp names, of course, and I, Kolya) in front of Moldova, the cabin in which I hold classes. The picture below is of Russian MTV Night last night (the two guys in the front are my students AND cabin-mates!).

So, other than the mosquitos, aggressive deer flies, and 5 hours of sleep a night, things aren't too bad!

Пока for now...