There is something about the cry of a loon (that never seems to come from somewhere nearby), which punctuates the backdrop of this rustic, back-to-nature experience...
And, speaking of back to nature, the villagers arrived en masse yesterday. I and my cabin-mate, Zhenya (in real life, he's John), have a full house, so to speak-- 11 teenage boys, ranging from 13 to almost 18 (some of the older boys were visited by a gaggle of older girls just before lights out). The majority of them are returnees and all of them seemed happy to be here (and at least 2 of them will be my students, starting today).
There is an interesting representation of flora and fauna here at Lesnoe Ozero. On the fauna side, there is a fat little chipmunk (boorundook in Russian) that hangs out around the camp store (the counselor that runs it thinks he-- the chipmunk, not the counselor-- may have an affinity for chocolate). I hope to get a picture of him soon, so stay tuned!
That's it for now... More as my Russian Village adventure continues!